Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jesus feed the 5000 Lesson for Preschoolers

For our Preschool Extend Worship Care Classes a few years ago I began making Lesson to help our volunteers tell the Bible Story with out a lot of work. What I came up with was lessons I can put in a box and have everything they need in that box.  I named them Bible Box. The Following is the Story I wrote for  John6:1-13, Jesus feeding the 5000, or the Boy shared his lunch.

Materials need for the Bible Box:

Small New Testament Bibles, one per child
Galilee Boat with Apostles ( I purchased mine from Mardels)
Blue material for lake
green material for land and a few rocks and small trees or bushes.
Set up the lake and land using fake rocks or boxes to give the apperance of there being a mountain.
Take pictures of groups of the disciples, make copies, cut out, and laminate. Make a stand my leaving about an half inch on th bottom of the picture and fold under. The groups of people should stand up.
Gather a box that all the above items will fit. Then copy the Bible story to put in the box for the volunteers to follow.

Using the matrial provided in the Bible Story box, retell the Bible story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Follow the pictures below and set up the story. In your own words tell th story to the children as you move the figures.. Make sure to have your Bbile turned to John 6:1-13 and say, "This story inin the Bible and is true. It really happened." Also, hand each child a small New Testament Bible to hold while you tell them the story. This helps them focus on the Bible story as well as connect what you are teaching and the Bible.
1. Jesus crossed the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (The Sea of Tiberias), and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signs he had perfomred by healing the sick. then Jesus went up on a monutainside and sat down with his disciples. (Move the boat across the water to the land. Take out the disciples and Jesus and place them on shore)
 2. ( Place the crowd of people in fornt of the mountain facinig Jesus.) Say, " Jesus looked up and saw a lot of people coming toward him, he siad to Philillip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people?" 3. (I will add a picture of this step as soon as I can take a new one. Place the boy and the basket of fish and loaves in front of Jesus along with two of the disciples.) Andrew, one of Jesus' other disciploes and Peter's brother spok up and said, "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many? "
4. (Move the crowd into several groups), then say, Jesus looked at his disciples and looked at the lunch the boy had shard and said, "Have the people sit down," so the disciples helped the people sit on the grass into groups of 50. Jesus then took the loveas and gave thanks. He gave the food to the disciples and asked them to give it to the people who were seated.  Then gave thanks for the fish.

5. (Place the 12 baskets of left overs in fornt of  Jesus, the disciples and the crowd.) Then say, "When all the people had enough to eat, Jesus said to the disciples, 'Gather the pieces that are left over, Let nothing be wasted." They gatherd them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the bread and fish that were left over.

Comment: "Jesus took five loaves of bread (show the children the Loaves) and two fish (show the fish) and gave thanks to God for it. Jesus showed his love to the people by feeding them. He had enough food for all the people there with 12 baskets left over. This is a miracle. A Mirale is something only Jesus or God can do."

Pray with the children thanking God for all he has given us.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Black light Bible Story/ Acts 11:19-30, A Church Helps

Several years ago I taught  a Mother's day Out preschool 5 class. I wanted to present the Bible Stores in different ways to keep the children's interested in learning the Bible. One way I did was to make different stories in Neon Colors and used a blicklight as I told the stories. . I was looking for them the other the day and could not find them. So, I decided to make new ones. Today the story was about Barnabas and Paul, and the church at Antioch helping others during a famine.

This is how they turned out.

The preschoolers really enjoyed the story and were able to sit while I told the story using the Bible people. Afterwards, I allowed them to play with the people and the storyboard, they had a lot of fun taking turns, with help, retelling the story.

Here are a few pictures of them playing with the story board and people. One of our three year olds said, "This is a lot of Fun."

I will post later how I amde this story and storyboard. I hope you enjoy this and can find someting usefull for your preschool children,

God Bless1