Sunday, May 10, 2015

Black light Bible Story/ Acts 11:19-30, A Church Helps

Several years ago I taught  a Mother's day Out preschool 5 class. I wanted to present the Bible Stores in different ways to keep the children's interested in learning the Bible. One way I did was to make different stories in Neon Colors and used a blicklight as I told the stories. . I was looking for them the other the day and could not find them. So, I decided to make new ones. Today the story was about Barnabas and Paul, and the church at Antioch helping others during a famine.

This is how they turned out.

The preschoolers really enjoyed the story and were able to sit while I told the story using the Bible people. Afterwards, I allowed them to play with the people and the storyboard, they had a lot of fun taking turns, with help, retelling the story.

Here are a few pictures of them playing with the story board and people. One of our three year olds said, "This is a lot of Fun."

I will post later how I amde this story and storyboard. I hope you enjoy this and can find someting usefull for your preschool children,

God Bless1

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